Free WoW Exploit: Stockades Mage exploit lvl 24+

Stockades Mage exploit lvl 24+

Soloing the stockades with a mage isnt easy. The level 23-26 elites deal serious damage and ur cloth just cant take that kindof damage. So why not kill them without being touched even once. With this exploit you can kill a lvl 23-24 elite without being touched at lvl 24 and at lvl 26 kill anyone you can pull by themselves. and at 30+ u can kill 3+ 24 elites at the same time (if ur frost speck) all without being touched!


What ur seeing in the video, me pwning a lvl 24 elite (srry its laggy and bad quality its just to get the point of the exploit) and he just walks around in circles dumbfounded how u ask? well follow this guide exactly and u can do it to.

For this i Highly recomend frost speck, anything u want in frost but i recomend -Improved frostbolt (at least 4) improved frost nova and imrpoved blizzard.

Key places (important READ !!! )

When you walk in stockades, the first staircase your on right when u walk in is where ur going to be doing all ur attacking. LOOK AROUND this is the key part to the exploit, first on your right and left theyll be pillars the pillars closest to the portal (about 5 yards from the portal) is an improtant place , in this article where gonna call it THE PILLARS. Also look in the back left corner (right next to the portal) it is a raised elevation, and when u go there u go as far into the corner as you can, this place is called THE CORNER.

Soloing 1 guy at a time (lvls 24+)

First u pull the guy with a frostbolt and keep frost bolting him while u back up till eventually ur right in front of the portal and hes still not touching the stairs, when he reaches the stairs stop frost bolting and wait for him to come past "The pillars" and right when he does Frost nova. After hes frost nova go to the back corner and cast nothing but frost bolts and hell just run around in circles till he has really low health and hell try to run out, thats when u frost nova and finish him off. Easy as that

But- untill u get the hang of it and get the perfect first frost nova they might come after u theyll walk in circles first and ull do serious damage, but then they might come up at this point u walk off "the corner" to the middle and then to the other side corner and start frostbolting (repeat until death).

Soloing multiple elites, (30+ not recomended lower but i did 2 ((a lvl 23 and 24 )) at lvl 27)
*read above*

This is MUCH harder and requires time and effort per mob killed. (requires health potion)

For this example im gonna use 2 guys in a room. The best way to pull is with a cone of cold and to hit both of them, then run back behind the pillars, wait for both of them to reach behind the pillars (u may have to take some damage waiting for 1) and then frost nova and go into "the corner" then blizzard the area right b4 the pillar so its touching the pillar and the bottom of the staircase over and over again untill u run out of mana (save like 100 for a frost nova) then go down frost nova go into corner and then use evocation get ur mana back then repeat frosting untill they have low health then just go down re frost nova and use a flamestrike and aes and they should die!!

The beauty of this exploit is if things ever go bed u just walk out of the portal, and u can do it over and over again because of the reset instance.

Also with 2 mages u can aoe much better. just set 1 up in each corner and blizzard like crazy.

Free WoW Bug: Baron Run Trick

Stratholme Instance - Undead side "Baron Run"

Downing Baroness Anastari without being Mind Controlled
Instance Map:

During the fight with Baroness Anastari she will mind control (MC) someone in the group and vanish while you fight your MC'ed party member.

Tip - All 5 people need to stand up against the wall of the building to the right of her. Have a party member with a ranged weapon pull her and then get up against the wall. Have your tank(s) at the front of the wall to grab her and hold aggro. She will try to mind control, but it will fail as long as everyone is touching the building wall. There is plenty of room for hunters to stay at the back section of the wall while the tank(s) hold her at the front. This will make killing her much easier. Enjoy... : )

Free WoW Bug: Access AQ20 via Tanaris

How to get into AQ20 (By Tanaris zone)

The explications are seeing in the Screenshot/movie.

* Full Video : (120 Mo)

Free WoW Bug: Duel Inside Ironfroge

When inside of Ironforge players are normaly unable to duel, to get around this problem continue reading.

First stand facing the bank of Ironforge far enough back so you can see both of the pillars. Walk up the stairs and turn twards the pillar on the right. Walk/Jump to the platform the pillar is standing on then walk behind the pillar. If done correctly you should be able to send a duel invite to players nearby.

While dueling a Mage in Ironforge run to the Kings Throne Room and have the mage polymorph you to gain acess to the Old Ironforge Under Ironforge.

Free WoW Exploit: Hunters can auto-attack while moving

This can be done at all times, however; this tactic is most useful when in a duel/pvp.

When using the hunter, all normal ranged attacks can only be done while remaining in the same general place, but this is not true while in water. When swimming it is possible to continuously shoot your target while moving. Simply lure your target into the water to gain this bonus.

Undead players will almost always follow you based on their arrogance from the underwater breathing trait. Combing this tactic with aspect of the cheetah while strafing your opponent will give you a huge advantage before they get close.

I recommend you use this along well populated shorelines as found in STV.
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Free WoW Exploit: Carry up to 3 Healthstones at a time

Multiple Healthstones

A warlock healthstone is a unique item and usually you can only obtain one of these objects.

However if a warlock has the talent on the demonology talent tree called "improved healthstone, you can carry one improved healthstone + the non-improved healthstone from a warlock with out the talent.

And if a warlock only have 1 talent point in improved healthstone you can have one of these to, and since the talent has two points you can carry as many as 3 healthstones at the same time.

* Regular healthstone: heals 1200 hitpoints
* Healthstone with one talent point: Heals 1320 hitpoints.
* Healthstone with two talent points: Heals 1440 hitpoints.

This way you never have to buy or grind healingpotions and its all for free

Free WoW Glitch: Scarlet Monastery Exploit

EnterScarlet Monastary Cathederal without a key

To open the door in Scarlet Monastary Cathederal without the key, simply face the pillar on the left side and drag your mouse around on that wall, the cog for the lever should pop up, click it and the door opens.

Free WoW Bug: Darnassus Geo Bug

How to get under Darnassus

1. Go to the bank in darnassus
2. Move to the left corner
3. Delete hearthstone
4. Click auto-unstuck

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Free WoW Hack: Bypass Battleground Fences

A little fun with model editing.

1. Launch MyWacraftStudio.
2. Open Patch.mpq.
3. Navigate to world/wmo/PVP/fence.
4. Extract these to your desktop. The correct directory structure should be like this: world/wmo/PVP/fence . If you have to, you can create it yourself.
5. Open wmo.mpq . Find a small .wmo file and extract it to the same folder as above. Once you have extracted it, you need to rename it as follows: Alliance fence - ArathiAllianceFence.wmo Horde fence - ArathiHordeFence.wmo The files with 000 in them, delete!
6. You should now have something like this: world/wmo/PVP/fence and 2 files in that directory. Now, just move the whole World directory to your World of Warcraft/data folder.
7. Log on and enjoy.

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Free WoW Mage Exploit: Fake Blink Glitch

Fake Blink Glitch

Works for all classes, bug mages probably get the most out of this. While in windowed mode, turn auto run on and click and hold the top part of the window. If done correctly your WoW screen will freeze. While holding ur mouse down and your screen is frozen, people in game will see you running. when you realse your mouse, they will see you instantly teleport back to where you began the auto run. this is a great way to trick your freinds, and can be usefull in PvP