Free WoW Exploit: Carry up to 3 Healthstones at a time

Multiple Healthstones

A warlock healthstone is a unique item and usually you can only obtain one of these objects.

However if a warlock has the talent on the demonology talent tree called "improved healthstone, you can carry one improved healthstone + the non-improved healthstone from a warlock with out the talent.

And if a warlock only have 1 talent point in improved healthstone you can have one of these to, and since the talent has two points you can carry as many as 3 healthstones at the same time.

* Regular healthstone: heals 1200 hitpoints
* Healthstone with one talent point: Heals 1320 hitpoints.
* Healthstone with two talent points: Heals 1440 hitpoints.

This way you never have to buy or grind healingpotions and its all for free

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