Free WoW Guide: Instances with a high xp-outcome

Some might consider questing as the way to get leveled up, others prefer grinding. Here's a list to get your xp up with Instances, where you also profit of items the mobs drop and include yourself further in the community by meeting other players.

The list is sorted by levels as you just might have noticed

13-15 --- Ragefire Chasm ---> In Orgimmar so it's Horde only
15-20 --- The Deadmines ---> In Westfall so kind of hard for Horde
15-21 --- Wailing Caverns
18-25 --- Shadowfang Keep
23-26 --- The Stockades
25-35 --- Razorfen Kraul
35-42 --- Scarlet Monastery
36-43 --- Razorfen Downs
38-45 --- Uldaman
43-47 --- Zul'Farrak
44-50 --- The Sunken Temple
45-50 --- Maraudon
48-56 --- Blackrock Depths
53-60 --- Blackrock Spire (Lower and Upper)
55-60 --- Stratholme
56-60 --- Scholomance
56-60 --- Dire Maul (East, West, North)

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