Free WoW Exploits: Hunter PvP Exploit

PvP Unflagged (hunters only)


Finally, an exploit that lets hunters PVP other people/guards/CIVILIANS(!) without being flagged! The last time I used this against someone was more than 3 weeks ago, and if what people posted on that realms forums is true, 7 people reported me to a GM. I still am not banned from exploiting this glitch, so, I doubt you will get banned for it.

Minimum requirements:

You are over level 10
You have a level 10+ pet (duh!)
Your pet knows growl
You have a pet that has an attack such as claw, bite, thunder breath.
Your pet is in aggressive or defensive mode (passive doesn't work very well for this exploit!)

Recommended requirements:

If the guards you plan on killing are level 40, then you and your pet must be level 37+
Your pet knows growl
Your pet can take a beating and live
You have a pet that has an attack such as claw, bite, thunder breath.
Your pet is in aggressive or defensive mode (passive doesn't work very well for this exploit!)

PVPing guards:

This part is very easy. Use aspect of the monkey as this will increase your chances of dodging an attack. Make sure your pet is set to growl when it starts to attack something. Put your pet into defensive mode and then get some aggro from the guards by getting close to them. Do NOT fire or attack them, as you will become flagged for PVP. If you can, then try to aggro no more than one guard at a time. Once you have aggro with a guard, let the guard take a couple swings at you. At this point your pet should begin to attack the guard and build aggro with the guard. Eventually the guard will stop attacking you and start to attack your pet. As of patch 1.9.3, if you heal your pet while it is attacking a guard, you will not become flagged.

PVPing civilians: (I don't recommend this since you can instantly loss some honor!)

I am going to assume the civilian you are about to kill isn't near any guards and the civilian doesn't summon any guards. With that said, go up to the guard and position yourself so your pet is within attacking range of the civilian. Do NOT tell your pet to attack the civilian, as you WILL be flagged for PVP and you WILL loss honor. Instead, select the civilian by left clicking on it and then click on the button that makes your pet cast growl. The civilian should start to attack your pet, and your pet should start to attack back. If your pet needs to be healed then go ahead and do so. You shouldn't be flagged for combat nor should you get a dishonorable kill. (NOTE: This may or may not be true; one civilian might give you a dishonorable kill while another doesn't do anything to you.)

PVPing people:

To do this, you must find someone that you can attack and they must be flagged for PVP.
You must get close enough to the person for your pet to attack. Once you have done that click on the button(s) that will make your pet use abilities that hurt a person. In other words, if your pet knows thunder breath and bite, have your pet use those two abilities on the target. You will have to continually clicking on these buttons if you want to try to kill the person since your pet does not continually attack a person if you make your pet use an ability that does damage to a person. If the target keeps on moving away from you, try using aspect of the cheetah or aspect of the pack so you can your pet closer to the person. The best part about this, if your aren't on a PVP realm, is you can kill people without them being able to kill you.

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